Monday, August 29, 2011

Are you fucking kidding me!?

Why do people who are incapable of caring for anything besides the fleas in their socks choose to reproduce? 

I know a gal who has her masters degree in bullshit.   She lived in a house that smells so fucking bad you would puke spending 10 minutes inside.  In fact, 5 minutes on the porch was damn near nauseating.  

She chose to reproduce. 

When I came into the picture, her child was nearly 3.  I never even made it into the house and had extreme sadness in my heart for the cutest little blue eyed girl that had to constantly smell the ammonia.  I couldnt imagine. 

Fast forward 2 years, and girl decides to reproduce again. 

New baby, although born ugly, should still be treated with love and kindness.  Nope.  NB is happy as shit to sleep in his car seat, not be touched, and just enjoy the flat head hes sporting from lack of attention.  Master of bullshit even had the gall to say that she scolded her husband for holding him too much.  ..uh, Huh?  Unless he's 5 and whiny, Im not sure "holding him when he cries" is a bad idea.   Poor NB atleast gets a new house that lacks the smell of ammonia.  But, whats the point!?  She fucking smoked the whole time she was pregnant and NOW is smoking while breastfeeding, in addition to drinking her 300 caffeinated drinks every day.  I just dont understand making decisions that are potentially life altering to someone that cant make them for themselves.  When people treat retards badly, the whole world intervenes since 'they dont have a voice' but let a uterus produce a child and that woman can do whatever the fuck she wants too as long as the child isnt bruised?  Bullshit.  Total fucking bullshit.   And watching this transpire around me makes me really bitter, I admit.  If she were childless, single woman who just chose to be nasty, Id actually like her long as we didnt start on her work ethic.  THAT would be problematic, too. 

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